Looking for a way to deepen or spice up your next date night?
Instantly download two sets of discussion cards today!
- 24 Creative, light, and fun questions for a first date
- 24 Deeper, more provocative topics when you want to go further
You can print them yourself today!
Many are pulled right from Tom's book: The Go-To Relationship Guide for Gay Men: From Honeymoon to Lasting Commitment
These card sets are broken up into two categories. The first set is lighter and more fun, meant to help spark connection on a first date. The second set takes you a step further and provides more deep and provocative topics to explore.
These questions are designed to:
- Make you think and self-reflect
- Have authentic discussions with your partner(s)
- Learn more yourself and your partner(s)
- Keep you off your phones during your next date night
- Have some fun as you get to know each other

I'm here to help.
Hi, I'm Tom Bruett. As a relationship therapist I've helped countless queer folx improve their relationships.
As a gay man, I know our relationships are different. I want to show you how to make yours more authentic, committed, and exciting.
Get the free discussion cards
Sign up and you'll receive instant access to:
- 2 sets of 24 discussion cards you can print yourself
- A structure to help you improve your connection today
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